You've likely come here seeking answers to the uncertainty or inner turmoil in your life. Relationships may be highly troubled or nonexistent, or you may be dissatisfied with your career or work life. Financial problems may rear its head up, or there may be difficult health issues to deal with. The list goes on and on... These are the times when higher spiritual guidance can become pivotal, in cutting through the fog of confusion with crystalline clarity to show the most beneficial methods of action and to reveal the options that exist for your greatest good.
As an ethical, professional Astrologer and Psychic Medium, my mission is to assist you and empower you in positive changes — even if it's just to learn more about yourself.

Total Confidentiality
This is a highly safe, private space where each client and their concerns are respected and held in confidence without any judgment. Know that all information disclosed within sessions is private, confidential and protected. Feel secure in knowing that your earthly guide and spiritual advisor is working for your greatest benefit to deliver what you need to know

A Trustworthy Advisor
Angel has received numerous certifications from elite Psychic Mediumship Academies (TMPTA, JVP) and the top three Astrology organizations (AFA, NCGR, ISAR) in the US which includes extensive Ethics training. She strives to be the best she can for herself and her clients by continuing to hone her skills through continued study. Her peers and clients speak very highly of her.

Relevant Specifics
Receive information that is specific and relevant to your greatest concerns. She practices Evidential Psychic Mediumship which stresses specifics that pertain specifically to you and can not be easily generalized for others. And Astrology brings forth highly detailed, uniue information pertaining only to you. She strives for depth, accuracy and specifics.
Certified by Leading Organizations

The Psychic Medium
Training Academy

American Federation of Astrologers

National Council of Geocosmic Research

Intl. Society of Astrological Research
My session with Angel was truly eye-opening and she was spot on the entire reading. She is very transparent and does an amazing job of covering both breadth and depth of your chart. She makes sure you have an understanding of everything being covered, and provides comprehensive take home resources. I immediately sent her info to my friends and family; I highly recommend booking with Angel!
Readings For All Concerns
Career &
Gain deeper clarity on your strengths and challenges in regards to your career and income. Discover how to maximize your success and knowing whether your current path is in full alignment with your life goals and purpose.
Purpose &
A reading is a wonderful opportunity to gain clarity on what your soul's purpose is for this lifetime. Understand what you are here for, what you are learning and how you can achieve deeper fulfillment in these areas.
Love &
Know whether any significant relationships are a part of your future destiny or about the current issues and patterns in your present friendships, business partnerships or romantic partnerships.
Family &
Learn how to best navigate challenges with current or extended family including children. Uncover how to best handle situations for your own or their greatest well-being. Family and marital dynamics may be addressed in detail.
Healing &
Intentions are always set for information that clarifies, empowers and heals the recipient regarding current or past experiences. And in mediumship readings, one can connect with loved ones which provides powerful healing and closure.
Deeper information regarding one's soul's evolution, history and destiny may be uncovered in a reading. Gain understanding on why events have occurred and what this present incarnation means.

Certified Psychic Medium
& Spiritual Advisor
Angel is an empath, gifted intuitive and rare individual who is one of the world’s few Psychic Astrologers.
Angel is an acclaimed Spiritual Intuitive who has appeared in top publications, major podcasts and more. She is also a Certified Spiritual Advisor (Advanced Psychic Medium) and Certified Astrologer with three of the top Internationally known Astrology Organizations. She is sought out for her integrity, deep expertise, accurate insights.